Analyzing CloudTrail Logs for AWS Security Incidents.

Analyzing CloudTrail Logs for AWS Security Incidents.


7 min read

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This lab aims to analyze the CloudTrail logs for AWS security incidents related to the IAM User "Security”.


Keep in mind that the challenge questions are not directly stated in this lab. Use the details from the AWS console and the information provided in this lab to answer the questions on the Bucket Blue Team Challenge.


You have been given access to the "Security" AWS account as an IAM user. In this account, you can access the logs from the time of the incident. Additionally, you can assume the "Security" role in the target account, enabling you to investigate and identify any misconfigurations that may have contributed to the occurrence of the attack.


# Your IAM credentials for the Security account:
Account ID: 322079859186
Username: security
Password: password
Secret Key: paVI8VgTWkPI3jDNkdzUMvK4CcdXO2T7sePX0ddF

Note: This AWS Account was intentionally made public for learning Purposes

Accessing Logs via AWS Console

  • Sign in to the IAM User Account Security.” Using the above credentials to log in.

  • Once signed in, navigate to the S3 dashboard by searching for S3 in the top search bar.

  • On the S3 dashboard, click on Bucket in the left pane menu to view the list of buckets.

  • Click on flaws2-logs till you get to the list of objects (filetype: gz)

Amazon S3 → Buckets → flaws2-logs → AWSLogs/ → 653711331788/ → CloudTrail/ → us-east-1/ → 2018/ → 11/ → 28/

Here you have access to the list of logs created in 2018

Accessing AWS Logs Via AWS CLI

In this lab, we will access these logs via AWS CLI on Parrot OS to analyze the logs.

Refer to this guide on how to install AWS CLI on your Linux terminal, or you can check the AWS Documentation for installation instructions on any OS of your preference.

  • Run the command aws --version to verify the current version installed

  • Next, Create an AWS profile using the command and then supply the Access Key and Secret Key from the above credentials section
# Credentials 
Secret Key: paVI8VgTWkPI3jDNkdzUMvK4CcdXO2T7sePX0ddF

$ aws configure --profile <name-of-profile>
#in this lab, the profile name is flaws-sec

  • Run the AWS CLI command to verify that the IAM user "Security" credentials have been created correctly.
$ aws --profile flaws-sec sts get-caller-identity

  • Next, create a folder on your Desktop (here, Flaws) using the command shown

$ ls
$ cd Desktop
$ mkdir <your-folder-name>
  • Downloading bucket data (logs) to the local directory created (here, flaws-bucket)

$ aws --profile flaws-sec s3 sync s3://flaws2-logs .

  • Navigate to the local directory (here, flaws-bucket):
$ cd AWSLogs/653711331788/CloudTrail/us-east-1/2018/11/28
$ ls

  • use the command gunzip *.gz to unzip the.json files

  • To view the JSON files in a well-formatted format, install jq. Using the command
# Run this command to install
$ sudo apt install jq

#Run this command incase you get an error message
$ sudo apt-get update

# Try installing "jq" again
$ sudo apt-get install jq

  • Once done, run the command cat *****.json | jq.
$ cat 653711331788_CloudTrail_us-east-1_20181128T2235Z_cR9ra7OH1rytWyXY.json | jq

Analyzing Logs

From the list of JSON log files downloaded, let’s analyze them using the bash script

  • Copy and paste the bash script into a Vim editor. The shell script searches all JSON files and filters by EventTime and EventName.

    Create bash script using Vim Editor

# creating a bash script using vim Editor
$ vim

LOGS="*.json" # Specify the variable for logs

for l in $LOGS # Starting the for loop
  echo "Analyzing $l" # Analyzing the log file
  cat "$l" | jq '.Records[] | {eventTime, eventName}' # Extract eventTime and eventName fields

To save and exit from the Vim editor. Press Esc key, and enter:wq! then press enter key

  • Use the command to run the bash script
# Enabling executable permission on the bash file
$ chmod +x

# Running bash script
$ bash

Searching for Specific date and time

  • Next, let’s analyze the JSON log files for malicious source IPs by filtering with date and time.

Create a bash script using the Vim editor, and then copy and paste the code into the script.


log_files=$(find . -type f -name "*.json")  # Change "*.log" to match your log file extension

for log_file in $log_files; do
  echo "Searching $log_file for EventTime $eventtime and associated Source IP:"
  grep -E "eventTime.*$eventtime" "$log_file" | grep -oE 'sourceIPAddress.*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | cut -d':' -f2
  echo "---------------------------------------------"
# creating bash script

To save and exit from the Vim editor. Press Esc key, and enter:wq! then press enter key

  • Run the command below to search for malicious IPs based on Date and Time
# Run the command to enable executable permission for the bash file
$ chmod +x

# Run the command to excute the bash script
$ bash

OR you can run the other script

  LOGS="*.json" #specifying the variable for logs
  for l in $LOGS # starting the for loop
    echo "Analyzing $l" # analyzing the log file
    cat "$l" | jq | grep '2018-11-28T23:03:20\|IP'

Searching for IP addresses not associated with Amazon IPs

# command to create bash creapit with vim editor
$ vim

# execute permission to the script
$ chmod +x

  • Copy and paste code into Vim Editor

# Function to search for IP addresses with non-Amazon domains in logs
search_non_amazon_ips() {
  local log_files=$(find . -type f -name "*.json") # Change "*.log" to match your log file extension

  for log_file in $log_files; do
    echo "Searching $log_file for IP addresses with non-Amazon domains:"
    while read -r line; do
      # Extract IP addresses from the log line using grep
      ip_addresses=$(echo "$line" | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')

      # Check each IP address against Amazon domains
      for ip in $ip_addresses; do
        domain=$(nslookup "$ip" | grep "name" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\.$//')
        if [[ -n "$domain" && "$domain" != *"" ]]; then
          echo "IP Address: $ip, Domain: $domain"
    done < "$log_file"
    echo "---------------------------------------------"


  • Use the command below to run the bash script
# Command to run bash script 
$ bash

Searching for the 'ListBuckets' API request

  • Create a bash file using the Vim editor. Then, copy and paste the code into the Vim editor


# Function to search for "ListBucket" API calls in logs
search_listbucket_calls() {
  local log_files=$(find . -type f -name "*.json") # Change "*.log" to match your log file extension

  for log_file in $log_files; do
    echo "Searching $log_file for 'ListBucket' API calls:"
    grep -i "ListBucket" "$log_file" | jq
    echo "---------------------------------------------"


  • Run the following command:
# enabling full permission to the bash script
$ chmod +x

# command to run bash script
$ bash

Searching for the first request issued by “level 1” user

  • Create a bash file using the Vim editor. Then, copy and paste the code into the Vim editor.
$ vim


# Function to search for eventName "level1" in logs
search_level1_events() {
  local log_files=$(find . -type f -name "*.json") # Change "*.log" to match your log file extension

  for log_file in $log_files; do
    echo "Searching $log_file for eventName 'level1':"
    grep -i "eventName.*level1" "$log_file" | jq
    echo "---------------------------------------------"


• Run the following command:

# enabling full permission to the bash script
$ chmod +x

# command to run bash script
$ bash


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